Source code for mediawiki.mediawikipage

MediaWikiPage class module
# MIT License
# Author: Tyler Barrus (

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, Tag

from mediawiki.exceptions import (
from mediawiki.utilities import is_relative_url, str_or_unicode

[docs] class MediaWikiPage: """MediaWiki Page Instance Args: mediawiki (MediaWiki): MediaWiki class object from which to pull title (str): Title of page to retrieve pageid (int): MediaWiki site pageid to retrieve redirect (bool): **True:** Follow redirects preload (bool): **True:** Load most properties after getting page original_title (str): Not to be used from the caller; used to help follow redirects Raises: :py:func:`mediawiki.exceptions.PageError`: if page provided does not exist Raises: :py:func:`mediawiki.exceptions.DisambiguationError`: if page provided is a disambiguation page Raises: :py:func:`mediawiki.exceptions.RedirectError`: if redirect is **False** and the pageid or title \ provided redirects to another page Warning: This should never need to be used directly! Please use :func:``""" __slots__ = [ "mediawiki", "url", "title", "original_title", "pageid", "_content", "_revision_id", "_parent_id", "_html", "_soup", "_images", "_references", "_categories", "_coordinates", "_links", "_redirects", "_backlinks", "_langlinks", "_summary", "_sections", "_table_of_contents", "_logos", "_hatnotes", "_wikitext", "_preview", ] def __init__( self, mediawiki, title: Optional[str] = None, pageid: Optional[int] = None, redirect: bool = True, preload: bool = False, original_title: str = "", ): self.mediawiki = mediawiki self.url: Optional[str] = None if title is not None: self.title = title self.original_title = original_title or title elif pageid is not None: self.pageid = pageid else: raise ValueError("Either a title or a pageid must be specified") self._content: Optional[str] = None self._revision_id: Optional[int] = None self._parent_id: Optional[int] = None self._html: Union[bool, str] = False # None signifies nothing returned... self._images: Optional[List[str]] = None self._references: Optional[List[str]] = None self._categories: Optional[List[str]] = None self._coordinates: Union[bool, None, Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]] = False # None signifies nothing returned... self._links: Optional[List[str]] = None self._redirects: Optional[List[str]] = None self._backlinks: Optional[List[str]] = None self._langlinks: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None self._summary: Optional[str] = None self._sections: Optional[List[str]] = None self._table_of_contents: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None self._logos: Optional[List[str]] = None self._hatnotes: Optional[List[str]] = None self._soup: Optional[BeautifulSoup] = None self._wikitext: Optional[str] = None self._preview: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None self.__load(redirect=redirect, preload=preload) preload_props = [ "content", "summary", "images", "references", "links", "sections", "redirects", "coordinates", "backlinks", "categories", ] if preload: for prop in preload_props: getattr(self, prop) # end __init__ def __repr__(self): """repr""" return self.__str__() def __unicode__(self): """python 2.7 unicode""" return f"""<MediaWikiPage '{self.title}'>""" def __str__(self): """python > 3 unicode python 2.7 byte str""" return str_or_unicode(self.__unicode__()) def __eq__(self, other): """base eq function""" try: return self.pageid == other.pageid and self.title == other.title and self.url == other.url except AttributeError: return False # Properties def _pull_content_revision_parent(self) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[int], Optional[int]]: """combine the pulling of these three properties""" if self._revision_id is None: query_params = { "prop": "extracts|revisions", "explaintext": "", "rvprop": "ids", } query_params.update(self.__title_query_param()) request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(query_params) page_info = request["query"]["pages"][self.pageid] self._content = page_info.get("extract", None) self._revision_id = page_info["revisions"][0]["revid"] self._parent_id = page_info["revisions"][0]["parentid"] if self._content is None and "TextExtracts" not in self.mediawiki.extensions: msg = "Unable to extract page content; the TextExtracts extension must be installed!" raise MediaWikiBaseException(msg) return self._content, self._revision_id, self._parent_id @property def content(self) -> str: """str: The page content in text format Note: Not settable Note: Side effect is to also get revision_id and parent_id""" if self._content is None: self._pull_content_revision_parent() return self._content # type: ignore @property def revision_id(self) -> int: """int: The current revision id of the page Note: Not settable Note: Side effect is to also get content and parent_id""" if self._revision_id is None: self._pull_content_revision_parent() return self._revision_id # type: ignore @property def parent_id(self) -> int: """int: The parent id of the page Note: Not settable Note: Side effect is to also get content and revision_id""" if self._parent_id is None: self._pull_content_revision_parent() return self._parent_id # type: ignore @property def html(self) -> str: """str: HTML representation of the page Note: Not settable Warning: This can be slow for very large pages""" if self._html is False: self._html = "" query_params = { "prop": "revisions", "rvprop": "content", "rvlimit": 1, "rvparse": "", "titles": self.title, } request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(query_params) page = request["query"]["pages"][self.pageid] self._html = page["revisions"][0]["*"] return self._html # type: ignore @property def wikitext(self) -> str: """str: Wikitext representation of the page Note: Not settable""" if self._wikitext is None: query_params = { "action": "parse", "pageid": self.pageid, "prop": "wikitext", "formatversion": "latest", } request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(query_params) self._wikitext = request["parse"]["wikitext"] return self._wikitext @property def images(self) -> List[str]: """list: Images on the page Note: Not settable""" if self._images is None: params = { "generator": "images", "gimlimit": "max", "prop": "imageinfo", # this will be replaced by fileinfo "iiprop": "url", } self._images = [ page["imageinfo"][0]["url"] for page in self._continued_query(params) if "imageinfo" in page and "url" in page["imageinfo"][0] ] self._images = sorted(self._images) return self._images @property def logos(self) -> List[str]: """list: Parse images within the infobox signifying either the main image or logo Note: Not settable Note: Side effect is to also pull the html which can be slow Note: This is a parsing operation and not part of the standard API""" if self._logos is None: self._logos = [] # Cache the results of parsing the html, so that multiple calls happen much faster if not self._soup: self._soup = BeautifulSoup(self.html, "html.parser") info = self._soup.find("table", {"class": "infobox"}) if info is not None and isinstance(info, Tag): children = info.find_all("a", class_="image") self._logos.extend("https:" + child.img["src"] for child in children) return self._logos @property def hatnotes(self) -> List[str]: """list: Parse hatnotes from the HTML Note: Not settable Note: Side effect is to also pull the html which can be slow Note: This is a parsing operation and not part of the standard API""" if self._hatnotes is None: self._hatnotes = [] # Cache the results of parsing the html, so that multiple calls happen much faster if not self._soup: self._soup = BeautifulSoup(self.html, "html.parser") notes = self._soup.find_all("div", class_="hatnote") if notes is not None: for note in notes: tmp = [] for child in note.children: if hasattr(child, "text"): tmp.append(child.text) else: tmp.append(child) self._hatnotes.append("".join(tmp)) return self._hatnotes @property def references(self) -> List[str]: """list: External links, or references, listed anywhere on the MediaWiki page Note: Not settable Note May include external links within page that are not technically cited anywhere""" if self._references is None: self._references = [] self.__pull_combined_properties() return self._references @property def categories(self) -> List[str]: """list: Non-hidden categories on the page Note: Not settable""" if self._categories is None: self._categories = [] self.__pull_combined_properties() return self._categories @property def coordinates(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]]: """Tuple: GeoCoordinates of the place referenced; results in lat/long tuple or None if no geocoordinates present Note: Not settable Note: Requires the GeoData extension to be installed""" if self._coordinates is False: self._coordinates = None self.__pull_combined_properties() return self._coordinates # type: ignore @property def links(self) -> List[str]: """list: List of all MediaWiki page links on the page Note: Not settable""" if self._links is None: self._links = [] self.__pull_combined_properties() return self._links @property def redirects(self) -> List[str]: """list: List of all redirects to this page; **i.e.,** the titles listed here will redirect to this page title Note: Not settable""" if self._redirects is None: self._redirects = [] self.__pull_combined_properties() return self._redirects @property def backlinks(self) -> List[str]: """list: Pages that link to this page Note: Not settable""" if self._backlinks is None: self._backlinks = [] params = { "action": "query", "list": "backlinks", "bltitle": self.title, "bllimit": "max", "blfilterredir": "nonredirects", "blnamespace": 0, } tmp = [link["title"] for link in self._continued_query(params, "backlinks")] self._backlinks = sorted(tmp) return self._backlinks @property def langlinks(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """dict: Names of the page in other languages for which page is where the key is the language code and the page name is the name of the page in that language. Note: Not settable Note: list of all language links from the provided pages to other languages according to:""" if self._langlinks is None: params = {"prop": "langlinks", "cllimit": "max"} query_result = self._continued_query(params) langlinks = {} for lang_info in query_result: langlinks[lang_info["lang"]] = lang_info["*"] self._langlinks = langlinks return self._langlinks @property def preview(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """dict: Page preview information that builds the preview hover""" if self._preview is None: params = { "action": "query", "formatversion": "2", "prop": "info|extracts|pageimages|revisions|pageterms|coordinates", "exsentences": "5", "explaintext": "true", "piprop": "thumbnail|original", "pithumbsize": "320", "pilicense": "any", "rvprop": "timestamp|ids", "wbptterms": "description", "titles": self.title, } raw = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(params) self._preview = raw.get("query", {}).get("pages", [])[0] return self._preview @property def summary(self) -> Optional[str]: """str: Default page summary Note: Not settable""" if self._summary is None: self.__pull_combined_properties() if self._summary is None: self._summary = "" return self._summary
[docs] def summarize(self, sentences: int = 0, chars: int = 0) -> str: """Summarize page either by number of sentences, chars, or first section (**default**) Args: sentences (int): Number of sentences to use in summary (first `x` sentences) chars (int): Number of characters to use in summary (first `x` characters) Returns: str: The summary of the MediaWiki page Note: Precedence for parameters: sentences then chars; if both are 0 then the entire first section is returned""" query_params: Dict[str, Any] = {"prop": "extracts", "explaintext": "", "titles": self.title} if sentences: query_params["exsentences"] = min(sentences, 10) elif chars: query_params["exchars"] = max(chars, 1) else: query_params["exintro"] = "" request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(query_params) return request["query"]["pages"][self.pageid].get("extract")
@property def sections(self) -> List[str]: """list: Table of contents sections Note: Not settable""" # NOTE: Due to MediaWiki sites adding superscripts or italics or bold # information in the sections, moving to regex to get the # `non-decorated` name instead of using the query api! if self._sections is None: self._parse_sections() if self._sections is None: self._sections = [] return self._sections @property def table_of_contents(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """OrderedDict: Dictionary of sections and sub-sections Note: Leaf nodes are empty OrderedDict objects Note: Not Settable""" if self._table_of_contents is None: self._parse_sections() if self._table_of_contents is None: self._table_of_contents = {} return self._table_of_contents
[docs] def section(self, section_title: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Plain text section content Args: section_title (str): Name of the section to pull or None for the header section Returns: str: The content of the section Note: Use **None** if the header section is desired Note: Returns **None** if section title is not found; only text between title and next \ section or sub-section title is returned Note: Side effect is to also pull the content which can be slow Note: This is a parsing operation and not part of the standard API""" if not section_title: try: content = self.content index = 0 except ValueError: return None except IndexError: pass else: section = f"== {section_title} ==" try: # TODO, move index to find to remove exceptions content = self.content index = content.index(section) + len(section) # ensure we have the full section header... while True: if content[index + 1] == "=": index += 1 else: break except ValueError: return None except IndexError: pass try: next_index = self.content.index("==", index) except ValueError: next_index = len(self.content) val = self.content[index:next_index].lstrip("=").strip() if val == "": return None return val
# Protected Methods def __load(self, redirect: bool = True, preload: bool = False): """load the basic page information""" query_params = { "prop": "info|pageprops", "inprop": "url", "ppprop": "disambiguation", "redirects": "", } query_params.update(self.__title_query_param()) request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(query_params) query = request["query"] pageid = list(query["pages"].keys())[0] page = query["pages"][pageid] # determine result of the request # missing is present if the page is missing if "missing" in page: self._raise_page_error() # redirects is present in query if page is a redirect elif "redirects" in query: self._handle_redirect(redirect, preload, query, page) # if pageprops is returned, it must be a disambiguation error elif "pageprops" in page: self._raise_disambiguation_error(page, pageid) else: self.pageid = pageid self.title = page["title"] self.url = page["fullurl"] def _raise_page_error(self): """raise the correct type of page error""" if hasattr(self, "title"): raise PageError(title=self.title) raise PageError(pageid=self.pageid) def _raise_disambiguation_error(self, page: Dict, pageid: int): """parse and throw a disambiguation error""" query_params = { "prop": "revisions", "rvprop": "content", "rvparse": "", "rvlimit": 1, } query_params.update(self.__title_query_param()) request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(query_params) html = request["query"]["pages"][pageid]["revisions"][0]["*"] lis = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser").find_all("li") filtered_lis = [li for li in lis if "tocsection" not in "".join(li.get("class", []))] may_refer_to = [li.a.get_text() for li in filtered_lis if li.a] disambiguation = [] for lis_item in filtered_lis: item = lis_item.find_all("a") one_disambiguation = {} one_disambiguation["description"] = lis_item.text if item and item[0].has_attr("title"): one_disambiguation["title"] = item[0]["title"] else: # these are non-linked records so double up the text one_disambiguation["title"] = lis_item.text disambiguation.append(one_disambiguation) raise DisambiguationError( getattr(self, "title", page["title"]), may_refer_to, page["fullurl"], disambiguation, ) def _handle_redirect(self, redirect: bool, preload: bool, query: Dict, page: Dict[str, Any]): """handle redirect""" if not redirect: raise RedirectError(getattr(self, "title", page["title"])) redirects = query["redirects"][0] if "normalized" in query: normalized = query["normalized"][0] if normalized["from"] != self.title: raise MediaWikiException(ODD_ERROR_MESSAGE) from_title = normalized["to"] else: if not getattr(self, "title", None): self.title = redirects["from"] delattr(self, "pageid") from_title = self.title if redirects["from"] != from_title: raise MediaWikiException(ODD_ERROR_MESSAGE) # change the title and reload the whole object self.__init__( # type: ignore self.mediawiki, title=redirects["to"], redirect=redirect, preload=preload, ) def _continued_query(self, query_params: Dict[str, Any], key: str = "pages") -> Iterator[Dict[Any, Any]]: """Based on""" query_params.update(self.__title_query_param()) last_cont: Dict = {} prop = query_params.get("prop") while True: params = query_params.copy() params.update(last_cont) request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(params) if "query" not in request: break pages = request["query"][key] if "generator" in query_params: yield from pages.values() elif isinstance(pages, list): yield from [v for x, v in enumerate(pages)] else: yield from pages[self.pageid].get(prop, []) if "continue" not in request or request["continue"] == last_cont: break last_cont = request["continue"] def _parse_section_links(self, id_tag: Optional[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """given a section id, parse the links in the unordered list""" all_links: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] if not self._soup: self._soup = BeautifulSoup(self.html, "html.parser") if id_tag is None: root = self._soup.find("div", {"class": "mw-parser-output"}) if root is None or isinstance(root, NavigableString): return all_links candidates = root.children else: root = self._soup.find("span", {"id": id_tag}) if root is None: return all_links candidates = self._soup.find(id=id_tag).parent.next_siblings # type: ignore for node in candidates: if not isinstance(node, Tag) or node.get("role", "") == "navigation": continue classes = node.get("class", []) if not isinstance(classes, list): classes = [classes if classes else ""] if "infobox" in classes: continue # If the classname contains "toc", the element is a table of contents. # The comprehension is necessary because there are several possible # types of tocs: "toclevel", "toc", ... toc_classnames = [cname for cname in classes if "toc" in cname] if toc_classnames: continue # this is actually the child node's class... is_headline = node.find("span", {"class": "mw-headline"}) if is_headline is not None: break if == "a": all_links.append(self.__parse_link_info(node)) else: all_links.extend(self.__parse_link_info(link) for link in node.find_all("a")) return all_links def __parse_link_info(self, link: Tag) -> Tuple[str, str]: """parse the <a> tag for the link""" href = link.get("href", "") if isinstance(href, list): href = href[0] href = "" if href is None else href txt = link.string or href is_rel = is_relative_url(href) if is_rel is True: tmp = f"{self.mediawiki.base_url}{href}" elif is_rel is None: tmp = f"{self.url}{href}" else: tmp = href return txt, tmp def _parse_sections(self): """parse sections and TOC""" def _list_to_dict(_dict, path, sec): tmp = _dict for elm in path[:-1]: tmp = tmp[elm] tmp[sec] = OrderedDict() self._sections = [] section_regexp = r"\n==* .* ==*\n" # '== {STUFF_NOT_\n} ==' found_obj = re.findall(section_regexp, self.content) res = OrderedDict() path = [] last_depth = 0 for obj in found_obj: depth = obj.count("=") / 2 # this gets us to the single side... depth -= 2 # now, we can calculate depth sec = obj.lstrip("\n= ").rstrip(" =\n") if depth == 0: last_depth = 0 path = [sec] res[sec] = OrderedDict() elif depth > last_depth: last_depth = depth path.append(sec) _list_to_dict(res, path, sec) elif depth < last_depth: # path.pop() while last_depth > depth: path.pop() last_depth -= 1 path.pop() path.append(sec) _list_to_dict(res, path, sec) last_depth = depth else: path.pop() path.append(sec) _list_to_dict(res, path, sec) last_depth = depth self._sections.append(sec) self._table_of_contents = res def __title_query_param(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """util function to determine which parameter method to use""" if getattr(self, "title", None) is not None: return {"titles": self.title} return {"pageids": self.pageid} def __pull_combined_properties(self): """something here...""" query_params = { "titles": self.title, "prop": "extracts|redirects|links|coordinates|categories|extlinks", "continue": {}, # summary "explaintext": "", "exintro": "", # full first section for the summary! # redirects "rdprop": "title", "rdlimit": "max", # links "plnamespace": 0, "pllimit": "max", # coordinates "colimit": "max", # categories "cllimit": "max", "clshow": "!hidden", # references "ellimit": "max", } last_cont = {} results = {} idx = 0 while True: params = query_params.copy() params.update(last_cont) request = self.mediawiki.wiki_request(params) idx += 1 if "query" not in request: break keys = [ "extracts", "redirects", "links", "coordinates", "categories", "extlinks", ] new_cont = request.get("continue") request = request["query"]["pages"][self.pageid] if not results: results = request else: for key in keys: if key in request and request.get(key) is not None: val = request.get(key) tmp = results.get(key) if isinstance(tmp, (list, tuple)): results[key] = results.get(key, list) + val if new_cont is None or new_cont == last_cont: break last_cont = new_cont # redirects tmp = [link["title"] for link in results.get("redirects", [])] self._redirects = sorted(tmp) # summary self._summary = results.get("extract") # links tmp = [link["title"] for link in results.get("links", [])] self._links = sorted(tmp) # categories def _get_cat(val): """parse the category correctly""" tmp = val["title"] if tmp.startswith(self.mediawiki.category_prefix): return tmp[len(self.mediawiki.category_prefix) + 1 :] return tmp tmp = [_get_cat(link) for link in results.get("categories", [])] self._categories = sorted(tmp) # coordinates if "coordinates" in results: self._coordinates = ( Decimal(results["coordinates"][0]["lat"]), Decimal(results["coordinates"][0]["lon"]), ) # references tmp = [link["*"] for link in results.get("extlinks", [])] self._references = sorted(tmp)